Mongolian sweets

When it comes to foreign sweets, many people think of something that is easy to eat, such as so-called Japanese bag sweets. Many people say that they have actually received souvenirs, but recently, various sweets are on sale in Mongolia, and many of them cannot be tasted unless you actually go on a trip to the site. increase.

Camel milk
Camel milk

Various sweets using camel milk

Among them, the most popular these days are various sweets made from camel milk.
Camels are a necessary means of transportation because Mongolia has many desert areas, but its milk was also a valuable source of water and nutrition. In the past, it was often dried and sold as a bag of confectionery, but recently, with the introduction of Western culture, this camel milk is used like milk to make cakes, etc. Is becoming more common.

Camel milk is richer than milk and has a strong sweetness, so unlike ordinary cakes, it has a natural sweetness and a rich fat taste. However, unlike ordinary cakes, it does not contain artificial sugar, so the point is that it has a very clean taste, and it is surprisingly popular when traveling.

Recently, various sweets that have been dried by making use of this are also on sale, and it is also a point that they are very popular as new Mongolian souvenirs.


Among the Mongolian sweets that have been loved since ancient times are ice cream with milk called Baborai and golden gobi chocolate, which are very much appreciated by tourists.

Baborai is popular for its natural sweetness, and is characterized by being cleaner and easier to eat than Japanese milk ice cream.

Golden gobi

Golden Gobi chocolate is characterized by its natural cocoa flavor, which includes raisins and a variety of other flavors, making it possible to enjoy different flavors depending on the type.

Especially recently, the manufacturing method has changed and it has become popular as it is more delicious than before, and the point is that it is the best souvenir.


